Our development strategy
Spac’s development strategy is rolled out across four key focus areas:

Regional expertise
Development of our business activities around our regional bases. In France, we are pressing on with the tightening up of our operational organisation in order to enhance our synergies.

We are continuing with our targeted development internationally in low-risk countries to take advantage of a geographical diversification that is conducive to the spreading of risk. Spac is also able to lean on the Colas Group of which it is a part, with a presence in over 40 countries.

Renewable energy
Expand our business activities to new sectors: renewable energy, hydrogen, biogas, services.

Low-carbon solutions
Developing and implementing low-carbon solutions, in production modes (including energy economy, recycling, hydrogen, remote working) and in what is proposed to customers and users (contractual solutions, specialisms, digital);

Digital transformation
Adapting Spac to a post-Covid world, particularly through the acceleration of the digital transformation in processes and new business activities in order to enhance the quality of services and competitivity, as well as offering new services.
Our climate strategy
In the face of climate change issues, Spac and the Colas group are committed to a decarbonisation strategy of what they do and have set themselves an ambitious goal that is compatible with the Paris Agreement: to reduce its direct greenhouse gas emissions by 30% by 2030 (scope 1 and 2) and its upstream indirect emissions by 30% (scope 3a) compared to 2019, the reference year. That goal is based on CO2 economy estimations that are a result of the implementation of a series of actions set out in a roadmap.

Piloted by a Low-carbon strategy Committee and rolled out across operational entities, the Colas low-carbon roadmap incorporates 24 commitments that are monitored through indicators that are already in existence, or that are being created. The actions that have been implemented are ordered around four focus areas:

Climate concerns
Integrating climate concerns into the strategy (new business segments based on service offerings that use renewable energy, training and awareness-raising of workers) ;

Energy efficiency
Improving energy efficiency to reduce greenhouse gas emissions linked to the direct energy consumption of asphalt plants, machinery, and vehicles (monitoring of energy used, renewable energy, low-carbon solutions);

Low-carbon products and solutions
Developing and promoting products, techniques and low-carbon solutions (roll-out of BIM, Spac example);

Reduction of emissions
Contributing to carbon neutrality and to client emission reduction (such as new equipment items, measured energy consumption)
Our strengths and assets

Spac benefits from markets that are seeing long-term growth. These markets are buoyed by ecological, digital and citizen challenges and transitions. An energy sector undergoing profound change is also a real source of opportunities. Spac has four principal assets.

Strong regional bases
Spac has a presence in France through its 20 establishments, and through its subsidiaries and brands SEGEC and Colas Environment. That means that we are able to quickly assess the local situation. Spac draws on the talents of 1200 workers – men and women who have gathered around a story, a culture, and shared values (Respect, Share, Be Bold) and around a recognised brand.

Our capacity for innovation
Through our innovation programme in particular – Made by Spac – the organisation has designed and developed products and technical specialist areas that respond to the challenges of the energy transition and to new uses. Innovation is also applied to our operations in order to continue to enhance safety, quality, profitability, and planning.

Our multi-sector and multi-task expertise
Founded in 1945, Spac represents over 75 years of neighbourhood projects with a broad scope – from design to putting into service, encompassing procurement, construction, commissioning, and operator training.