Gas distribution

In urban and rural zones, for public and private clients, our specialists carry out usually quick interventions on a wide variety of works: gas distribution pipework.
Spac also brings you its expertise in laying and bringing into service networks in order for you to complete your interconnections between a methanisation plant and a gas distribution and transport network – regardless of the diameter.
Biomethane is a renewable gas produced by methanisation – a process during which organic waste (including household, agri-food, and agricultural waste) is degraded. Aside from the specialist element of that, the process enhances the potential of a settlement and is conducive to a circular economy.
Gas transport

Spac teams work on the construction and maintenance of all kinds of steel pipework of all diameters for transporting fluids. Our teams’ expertise encompasses the full range of services, from surveying to restoration: soil levelling, transportation, bending, soldering, activation, and work on stations and urgent work.

Working from the surveys, and encompassing prefabrication and levelling, the Civil Engineering work right up to the point at which pipes are assembled onsite, as well as handling the finishing work – this area of work covers every operation around pipes made of steel of all kinds (carbon, stainless) and of all diameters.
EPC projects & industrial projects

Spac teams work on the renovation and maintenance of compression stations, switching stations, and gas storage and distribution stations.
Our employees bring a wide range of expertise that is varied and complementary - including in piping, metalwork and civil engineering. We have the expertise necessary for handling contracts for the supply of works and design, intermediary-scale EPC-type contracts, and the manufacturing of modules (skids).
What we do

- Transport
- Distribution
- Renovation of compression stations, switching stations and gas distribution stations,
- Renovation / Maintenance of gas storage stations,
- New piping work for industrial clients (Supply, detailed surveys, prefabrication and assembly),
- EPC projects
- Construction of pumps, and fuel/fuel oil networks