Designing more sustainable mobility solutions is a challenge encompassing how we get around, how we transport goods and all the infrastructure this involves. Improving access to rural areas, developing regions and protecting the environment are all priorities that require a new approach to transportation infrastructure and the introduction of new mobility solutions. Innovation has been at the core of Colas’ culture for over 90 years. The pioneering spirit of its employees is a powerful driving force behind the Group. Innovating in the field of mobility means never losing sight of its role as a service – for people and the planet. It’s about ensuring that development in one area does not jeopardize the future of another. We have to make our contributions meaningful so that we can move forward, together, in the right direction.
Designing more sustainable mobility solutions

The energy of the future
A consideration of the challenges of tomorrow’s world involves meeting the challenges of designing the settlement of the future, and being involved in the development of new business segments and usages. These are some of the sectors of the future that are seeing rapid growth: green hydrogen, biomethane, pyro-gasification of waste and the capture, transport and use of CO2, which will contribute to the 2050 carbon-neutrality objective.
SPAC is a critical figure in these new domains, and is adapting its expertise and processes to design and construct the infrastructure that will transport and distribute this new green energy.
Pipelines of the future
The anti-damage reforms (including Declarations of Intent to Complete Works) that have been imposed by the French Government, to be in place by 01 January 2026, involve geolocating all so-called sensitive networks in the area. It is now vital to know the exact location of networks in order to avoid serious incidents that could have sizeable human and environmental impacts, and also to ensure that buried networks remain safe.
Spac makes its key tasks and skills around the detection, inspection and mapping of networks available to its customers and business partners.
Worksites 4.0
For several years, connections between physical space and cyberspace have been made at Spac using BIM processes, and completed using virtual reality solutions – but other technologies are emerging too that point the way forward to the 4.0 worksite, including connected objects, virtual reality, and the development of 5G.
As part of our operational excellence initiative, here at Spac we “build before we start building” to deliver an optimal response to your projects. To respond to our low-carbon and differentiation challenges, we bring you an immersive, digital approach with an emphasis on usage.