Critical to the Group’s values is its assurance that Spac business partners and third-party providers work to rigorous ethical standards. Spac underpins its compliance culture by identifying risks related to corruption and breaches of human rights - it does that by communicating its ethical values and compliance rules, and by putting in place checks around procedural compliance.

Identification of risks of corruption and human rights breaches, and implementation of related action plans
An action plan is drawn up and rolled out once a cartography of corruption risks has been mapped. The roll-out of this initiative was adapted in 2021 to encompass human rights risks.

Roll-out of ethical business rules
Training and publicity campaigns have been rolled out at every level at Spac following the drawing-up of compliance documentation and tools to support the roll-out.

Implementation of compliance and ethical procedures
Compliance procedures have been digitalised within a dedicated tool at the Colas Group – e-Comply – to simplify their application on a day-to-day basis within every entity, including Spac.